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Judy Mikovits, PhD Discredited Scientist

Judy Mikovits, PhD Discredited Scientist

Judy Mikovits, PhD Discredited Scientist

See also: Fake Science: XMRV, COVID-19, and the Toxic Legacy of Dr. Judy Mikovits, 2020

“May is the month when we and colleagues in our close-knit family of retrovirus researchers usually descend on the Cold Spring Harbor Laboratories on Long Island for a week of camaraderie and intense scientific discussion. It was at this meeting and others that the full scope of Judy Mikovits fraud and malfeasance became clear to the research community, so clear that we came to expect, if not hope that we would never have to hear her name again. Yet here she was popping up all over the right-wing news, reeling off a story of how COVID-19 was the result of animal experimentation in the development of vaccines, and how vaccines themselves were contaminated with mouse retroviruses that were causing untold ills. Naturally this information, and her research in particular, was being suppressed by Big Pharma and the “corrupt mainstream scientists” on their payroll. And the villain of the piece is none other than Dr. Anthony Fauci, the head of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease and long-suffering clinical advisor to Trump’s COVID-19 Taskforce. The trouble with this conspiracy theory is that not only is it demonstrably untrue, much of it derives from a scientific fraud that Mikovits and coworkers perpetrated in 2009.”

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