Hope For Fatigue by Kpax Pharmaceuticals https://www.hopeforfatigue.org/medical-conditions/chronic-fatigue-syndrome/chronic-fatigue-syndrome-clinical-trials.html – COMPLETELY OUTDATED however the site does have other helpful information.
Clinical Trials from the National Institute for Health and the National Library of Medicine for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. You can also search for studies that are currently recruiting patients and to check your eligibility for participating. The Trials listed are International. The currently recruiting studies seems to be outdated; some of them started as far back as 2018 but it is possible that they are still recruiting. Most studies require patients to be local.
United States
Washington, DC
https://faculty.georgetown.edu/baraniuj/Site/2010-407.html Unsure if this study is still being conducted as of 9/2023